The Greenhouse

There are references to a greenhouse in  Emily Tennyson's journal.  She refers, for example, to the "building of a stove in the greenhouse" and again, "A. putting out of greenhouse flowers. I fix the places and Hallam carries out some plants and A. digs the holes.’

foundations for victorian greenhouse

March 2017: the greenhouse foundations are completed.

victorian greenhouse  walls

A planting area by the south-facing wall is installed along with cold frames.

installing 	victorian greenhouse frame
victorian greenhouse frame

April 2017: the aluminium frame is installed by Alitex.

greenhouse completed

The frame construction and installation of glass took less than a week to complete.

victorian pipe bracket

During further development of the garden beds we discovered a piece of the original greenhouse. This was part of the old heating system, a bracket which secured the stove pipes to the wall.

plants in the greenhouse

While visiting Farringford do come in to see the fan-trained figs and other plants raised specifically for the walled garden, house and grounds.

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