Cowes Week takes place in August each year and is one of the UK’s longest running sporting events. Starting in 1886 this spectacular sailing event hosts over 1,000 boats taking place in up to 40 sailing races daily.
During the event the Solent is a spectacular sight, with small dinghys and 100 year old wooden yachts sharing the waters with ultra-modern, hydro-foiled carbon catamarans and maxi yachts.

The sailing can be viewed from the shore but if you want to get close to the action you can book a high-speed Rib ride around the Solent. See the Cowes Week Spectator section of the official website.
Cowes during Cowes Week can be a great day out with live music, street entertainment and food stalls. Over the years the event has attracted British and foreign royalty, and many famous faces.
The week ends with the famous firework display on the final Friday, an evening the entire family can enjoy.
To keep track of all the Cowes Week events visit the Cowes Week website: